I've been inspired by a walk! every morning I walk my dog for nearly an hour up to beacon just a mile or two away from where I live. I've found a walk that takes me into my work but has a lovely field and some woodland to walk through. I love it! It really starts the day off really nicely! after a mornings work I am off on my only holiday in a couple of years.. I'm going to the End Of The Road Festival in Dorset on Thursday and can't wait.. I've really needed a break this year!... it's been constant! so hoping to come back tired but inspired!... I also stumbled across a great magazine when I went up to PCAD Plymouth College of Art and Design for an interview for a part time lecture post there. It's called Oh Comely and it's worth a look. A book to pause and drink coffee with! I went to the Lizard the other day and stayed at a friends Farm.. Beautiful place with a tipi and an amazing kitchen, chickens, sheep etc and we went for a misty walk along the coast and stumbled across a farmer and his cattle Bobo chased one and frigtened me to death, thinking he'd be trampled but all was fine. We camped there and had a great weekend! in the misty rain!

Today i went to see the final year MA show.. I only had time for the Illustration but was really inspired by how good it all looked! I bought a fe
w of the more affordable pieces I loved and would love to buy more so will hopefully
buy some books when my next cheque comes in!
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