...well we went, we did and we saw!...James came with me and we stayed in Edinburgh for three days and two nights. The fringe festoval was on too so we went and saw Rich Hall and some galleries and that was all we had time for after my event and just hanging out at the book festival. The city was lovely and not overcrowded at all. My workshop was sold out with 20 kids and their guardians and did a book signing after the workshop in the book shop afterwards! We were relaxing in the Authors yurt with Ian Rankin, Iain Banks, Raj Persaud and Menzies Campbell which was really lovely. It was a completely new experience to be part of something as highly regarded as the International Book festival. A real priviledge!..Bath festival next year as well I hope!...
Hi Caroline,
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how happy I am to have found your blog! I absolutely LOVE your work. I have admired it for a long time.
Your work for Noodles looks amazing! It is going to be such a beautiful book I'm sure. Congratulations on such lovely work.
I'll keep visiting for sure :o)
Take care,
awesome!.. Sorry I missed this post til now! Unless I have replied before and not remembered which is totally possible right now! yeah keep on popping in.. you can become a follower which I think let's you know when there are new posts? not sure.. thanks so much for the lovely comments and thanks... cheers for now xxx