the other is James's childhood toy Oppety who also features in one book I did called 'There Are No Such Things As Monsters!' 2009 publication....these are in oils which I haven't used since college so trying to get to grips with them...but it is beginning to work although I have a long way to go to get anywhere near where I am in my head with them... I'm getting some work ideas together for the show in sept with hi5 so a slow steep hill to some work good enough to grace the walls of the show... I think I'm off to get some storage bits for my bedroom! make the most of my empty head by shopping! x

and on the slug theme here's a great picture I took on the Scillies... huge schlugg! I did laugh!
THis guys work is really interesting. I love his painting...Carmen Segovia..http://www.marlenaagency.com/carmen/carmen_frame.html

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