'The place where inspiration hits the page running... A sketchbook to fail and reflect on my work and my process'

Monday, 21 February 2011


I'm throwing round the idea of doing sketchbooks for my presentation at college and stumbled across this amazing idea and hope to enter this year for the next one... what a great idea and maybe proof that sketchbooks are possibly the most important part of an artists practice!...a bible of ideas, new techniques, compositions and trying out things our clients would never commission in a million years. A book of secrets!

The Sketchbook Project: 2011

Friday, 4 February 2011


I'm waiting for work to be okayed and edited etc, so I've been working on my college work and doing some of my own work alongside. I'm enjoying doing landscapes at the moment to place the objects and animals I'm doing for college, but it appears there are two different things going on here....on one side I have the more contrasted work that is maybe more conceptual and then the images that would fit nicely into a children's book which is what I am working towards. So all really positive. Here they are.